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Insaneo Style

A catchphrase for use in everyday life and for moments needing a profound change in the culture. Similar to Bart Simpson's "Eat my shorts."

First used by Youtuber "Joel Haver in the video "this video goes INSANEO STYLE"

"This movie went insaneo style" -Joel Haver

by Aodhan45 February 6, 2022

insaneo style

An unnecessary and confusing way to say that something was insane, exciting, eventful, or otherwise very cool or interesting. Don’t expect anyone to know what you’re talking about when using this phrase, it probably needs more time to pick up popularity.

Man, that party sure did go insaneo style.

by An absolute utter clampongus. February 5, 2022

Insaneo Style

when something is very cool, radical, or insane.

also spelled insano style or insane-o style.

"this song goes insaneo style"
"thats insaneo style"

by December 4, 2024

Insaneo Style

Coined by YouTube filmmaker and sketch comedian Joel Haver, the phrase "Insaneo Style" (pronounced: in-SAYN-oh STY-ul) is used to describe an event that was, or is expected to be, incredibly fun. Can also be used in place of the word "crazy" in a positive sense.

Person 1: "Yo the party last night was crazy. Did you see the guy jump off the roof?"
Person 2: "Yeah, it went Insaneo Style!"

by Cul Gi February 6, 2022

meeting (lisburn style)

v. Meeting lip-to-lip with someone, making out.
So called from the town Lisburn, where it's all they know

Friend 1: Oh I was out the other day and I met this girl
Friend 2: ....Lisburn style?
Friend 1: Completely.
Friend 2: Meeting (lisburn style) for the sake of the definiton.

by beefchutney July 30, 2011

Style Raped

When you create a style, and some one who definitely cannot imagine their own outfit, steals it from you... It sucks BAD.

This bish just style raped me! how effing rude...

by **~ CAUSE I CAN~** May 27, 2017

Tree style

Having sex in a tree with leaves attached to you using the sap of the tree to attach it to your body meanwhile you are covered in camoflauge paint

Look at those wild humans enjoying tree style

by Roadrunner July 8, 2016