National not talk to hannah day is the 26th of august each year. And it’s simple all you do is just not talk to anyone named hannah
My girlfriend is gonna be pissed when she finds out it’s national not talk to hannah day
National kiss a Mia Day
If you’re lucky enough to know a Mia...Kiss her. Doesn’t have to be on the lips it could be on the hand or cheek
Her: Why did u kiss me?
Person: Because it’s November 5th
Her: Ooooh it’s national kiss a Mia day
May 14th is national bra pic day
Guy “Hey guess what day it is”
Girl “what day”
Guy “national bra pic day”
Girl *sends bra pic*
Guy “have a nice day”
Bully people named Maria on February 14
Maria: Hey you kicked me
Person 1: OH I'm sorry!
Person 2: Don't worry it's National Bully Maria Day!!
January 26th is the day to walk up To Faith and try and kiss them
Faith: hey what’s up
* kisses faith*
Faith: uh why did you do that?
You: It’s national kiss faith day
This lit holiday falls on November 1
Rin: Hey did you hear what is coming tomorrow?
Elop: what
Rin: National Bully Elop Day
march 14th is national slap ur tip on the camera day. celebrate by sending ur girl a vid of u slapping ur tip on the camera
gf: “its national tip on the camera day!”
bf: *sends vid of him slapping the tip on the camera*