Jim seok jinnie! 💜
I purple you!
Army and BTS forever!
Jin: there’s something beautiful in your eyes…
V: huh?
Jin: my world wide handsome reflection!
We love Kim seok jinnie! It’ll soon be 2025 🤞🏻💜🫰🏻
there’s only a couple of reasons you're here. first you saw a seokjin edit or video of him saying he’s the wwh. or you just wanted to see his name as the definition. or you really didn’t know what it meant.
A:hey what does world wide handsome mean?
B:are you crazy? are you insane? it literally means world wide handsome.
The day you spam your best friends over 1,000 times
November 18th is the World’s greatest accomplishment day
Named after new worlds long queue times
Que world is a good game … if you can get in
A Websight That Dosn't have a URL Of It's Own. A, "Branch Off" Web Sight. Kinduv Like a Link to a New Page, Except that The Page is A Whole Other Sight. A "Territory" of Another Web Sight, so to speak. One That The User Would Have to Have Gone Through Many Un-Marked, Randomly Coded, Awkwardly Placed Link's to Get To. A Web Sight That No One Has Ever Heard Of, or Cares About... But Usualy Hold's The Coolest, and Biggest, Gems Of The Internet.
Bob: "Hey, You Know How The 'Peanut Butter Jelly Time' song, and The, 'You Are An Idiot' Song Came To Be?
Steve: "Yea, They Were Both Created and Posted on Some Random Third World Websight."
self explanatory
I'm the world's SECOND best civilian
let's find out
I went to a burger place and saw fries and wondered ARE THESE THE WORLDS MOST CRISPY FRIES...