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Son of God, loves endlessly, died for our sins. always forgiving.
john 3:16

i’m sorry for being such a jerk.”
“it’s ok, i forgive you and Jesus does too.”

by lovedbytheSonofGod October 2, 2022


Jesus Christ is the nicest being that you’ll ever meet in your life. He’ll change everything about you. He loves you like no one else does. So at least give him a chance. And please guys stop being disrespectful about Him

Jesus Saved me.

by Jesus’ daughter January 14, 2024


A piece of human scum who hates everyone and cares for no one

Jesus is a manipulative piece of shit

by azues November 22, 2021


Jesus without 'Je' is sus

Jesus is sus

by November 22, 2021


Jesus is NOT the son of God, God has no children, or parents, or siblings and he is only one jesus Was Created by God

Christian:Hey did you know jesus is the son of god?
Muslim/or someone else: THAT IS NOT TRUE

by An extroverted extrovert May 10, 2021


Guy with the Thickest biggest cock you’ll ever see. Thinking His name makes you moan. Woman love him and men are jealous of him.

You’re such a jesus!

by Queen queefa March 22, 2022


a carpenter that was praised for some reason from around the 20-30 AD

person 1 "you heard of jesus"
person 2 "the carpenter?"
person 1 "lol wut?"

by I understand logic March 15, 2021