A cigarette that is laced at the tip of the cigarette with cocaine. And when lit and inhaled hold as long as you can before exhaling.
I would love to smoke a T-Dookie cigarette.
New York centric idiom and acronym which stands for the "bridge and tunnel crowd" referencing the new Jersey weekenders who come into manhattan for dinner 🍽️ and a show literally!
B and t crowd is in town! How do I know? Cause the Broadway restaurants are always full of preshow diners then the subways get super crowded between 11pm and midnight!
When you have sexual intercourse with an obese female with no arms.
Nick ''Hey bro i did the reverse cowgirl with that girl the other day.''
jorje "No way bro i did the Marshmallow T-rex with that one chick that works at the Walking Dead scene"
The boys at the thrift store looking for vintage or interesting T-shirts. They pretty much go to the thrift store exclusively for T-shirts.
The T-shirt bro’s were all talking outside of the thrift store.
A purposeful mispelling/stylizing of a rather crude word
Texter #1: Hey bro slice! Ready 4 that test 2mRO?
Texter #2: Wait, therz a test!?
Texter #1: Uh ya!
Texter #2: d@mm!t... k thnx bro! g2g!
Jason T. Lane is the sweetest boy you'll ever know. He has such a kind heart and shows much love to his loved ones. When you think of Jason, you think of everything you've wanted. He makes many people so happy and can put a smile on your face within 5 seconds. He really is so inspiring, one of my favorite things about him. He will make sure his loved ones are happy and okay, even if he is not. Jason is insecure and over thinks at times.. I don't think he understands that he is so perfect the word "perfect" can't even describe him. It is not only me that sees it but anyone who meets Jason. He is so pretty, so handsome and he doesn't see it, he doesn't really know it.
In my opinion, Jason T. Lane truly has a beautiful heart. A beautiful soul.
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