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Brain fart

Brain fart- also known as “fartus brainus” is very common around students, who study math, physics or chemestry. It’s caused when you’re brain does not know what to do aka it’s about to explode. Treatment: give up or go to sleep

"I had a total brain fart while I was doing the test"

by GeDollar November 9, 2017

Brain fart

When you forget something really important.

Teacher: yes, gertrude?
Student: never mind, brain fart😟

by _.duhitsme._ March 7, 2016

Brain Fart

Whenever your brain just stops to function for a hot minute

John: hey max how are you?
Max: Hey max I'm good, how are you?
John: did you just great yourself?
Max: I'm sorry my brain farted I couldn't think straight

I was speaking to myself when I realized I had a total brain fart

by Max & John Explain April 19, 2021

Brain Fart

To say or do a stupid

"When I first saw that text I had forgotten what we were talking about and I was like woah what the hell"
"lol, dem brain farts"

by Lemoncake July 22, 2015

brain fart

something that you know how to do, but temperarly forgot.
or you just got a brain fart because you wernt thinking clearly.

dont you hate brain farts?

by crystaldreamer12 September 16, 2021

Brain Fart

A term one uses when they can't remember anything and are just overall feeling awfully stupid today. When you are trying to solve a math problem, but you completely forget what to do.

Girl #1: Uggh this math homework is giving me a headache.
Girl #2: It's not that hard, we just learned this all in class today.

Girl #1: Yeah, but right now I'm having the biggest brain fart.

by the_true_name_definer ;) December 20, 2018

Brain Fart

A brain fart consists of verbalising the most incoherent, incongruent, inexplicable sentence one could ever hear, at any giving moment, usually resulting in the act of 'facepalming', proceeded by everyone who had the misfortune of being there to witness such unfathomable stupidity

Person A: Oh my god I've just had the most incredible brain fart...

Person B: That's so Maria Marcos de Macedo Sempiterno redacted of you!

by ValenteMerda January 24, 2022