Source Code

ur gay

ur just gay you know?

hey ur gay

ur gay too

by May 16, 2021

ur gay

someone: hi how are you

me: ur gay

someone: hi how are you

me: ur gay

by waterbottelchoochie April 11, 2022

ur wax

You're wacky in a bad way. You're a wanna be crazy chick/dude but really, you're just a hollow loser.

Oh you're pretending to be drunk and hitting on chicks again, ur wax!

by AJAYMASHY April 15, 2016

National Give Your Friend Thats A Girl Ur Hoodie Day!

It's national 'Give Your Friend Thats A Girl Ur Hoodie Day’ starting on the 1st of January!

National Give Your Friend Thats A Girl Ur Hoodie Day!

by maddie h. January 9, 2022

Kiss ur gf day

On April 2 u have to kiss ur gf weather you like it or not

Bf kisses you

Gf what was that for

Bf it’s kiss ur gf day

by March 18, 2021

Ur Papa Takes Cocka

The ultimate insult, there is no coming back. Even more insulting than “ur mom gay”, “ur daddy lesbian”, and “Ur Granny Tranny” all combined

Boy 1: Ur mom gay
Boy 2: Ur daddy lesbian
Boy 1: Ur granny is tranny
Boy 2: Ur Papa Takes Cocka
*insert ear rape music*
*boy 1 dies from being humiliated*

by UrDaddyLesbian March 12, 2018

national change ur pfp day

bc anna said so and it has to be something completely different and not related to your old one.

omg it’s January 15 it’s time to change my pfp to anything but the same thing it was before because it’s national change ur pfp day!

by urnewstepmom January 15, 2021