Of a person; having long thin lining of hair on the throat near his face. But not much on the face.
Look this guy is having a Bear Beard!
When you’re pushing for a dump but you’ve gotta hold it, and it’s just poking out. That’s a bear’s nose.
Dude 1: Are we almost there, I’ve gotta bear’s nose going on.
a: so can you stay here today?
a: i dont have the energi to even think over what time for bear can possibly mean
A large hatchet wound created by Ted Nugent. Typically found where you wash the dogs, or where polish heartshots are executed with precision by left-handed hunters.
We found Bear Hollow on a map of Fun Roving the Woods and Waters.
Da twisty-turny hinge-thingy dat lets da dumpster-flap or trash-can lid open and close.
Due to so many of da modern vehicles' having automatic transmissions, fewer clutches have to be replaced nowadays, and so da metal-recycling bin in a typical neighborhood garage seldom gets opened to toss in worn-out manual-engagement-mechanism bits; said receptacle's throwout bearing therefore gets less of a workout.