Noun: Informal: Someone who is simple, or basic. Bucket people are typically younger and can be found in terrible nightclubs, listing to chart music and drinking vodka mixer from buckets. They love the trashiest beach parties, cheapest bars and most disgusting clubs. Despite this however they swear by pre-drinking in their uni halls, usually playing 'Never have I ever' to get the night going.
Hey you wanna go to Dave's party this weekend ?
No! That will be crawling with bucket people
The intense feeling of wanting to put a polo stick out the car window and use people or bicycles who carelessly put themselves in the path of your car as the puck.
Man, I just want to play people polo right now.
A day where you can go around and punch people face freely
“Hey Jack, today’s National Sut People’s Face Day, lets go find that kid we hate and punch him in the face!
Reeeeeee I hate how people actually explains IT insted of meming IT
YoU nEeD tO cArE mOrE aBoUt ThEm!!!
Other people "YoU nEeD tO cArE mOrE aBoUt OtHeR pEoPlE!!!"
Hym "But... YOU'RE 'other people'... You... You want me to care... more about YOU?" 🤨
Other people 😐 "Yes. And do what we want you to do."
Hym 🤨 "You...You see how... Ok. So, to YOU, I'M 'other people.' "
Other people 😐 "And?"
Hym "Sooo... Why don't you try caring more about ME (as other people) and doing what I want YOU to do?"
Other people 🤬 "You're a selfish narcissist!! You need to care more about us!!!"
Hym "So... Jesus Christ 😩+🤦+🤏 So, I start caring about you and doing what you want. At what point do you begin to care about me and start doing what I want?"
Other people 😐
Hym "Is that not a thing that happens?"
Other people "Not everything needs to be about you." 😐
Hym "Will anything EVER be about me?"
Other people 😐
Hym "............... Just going to fuckin stand there and look at me, huh? When do 'other people' start to care about me?"
Other people 😐
Hym "Yeah, ok... Alright... Um... Yeah, I don't know what to say here... I... I don't see what I have to gain from caring about you."
Other people"You're egocentric."
Hym 🤦 "That's... That's not a response to the thing I said... Ok. I don't see this going anywhere. No. I'm not doing that."
Pieces of shit and ingrates.
Hym "Look at me, thinking about other peoples. I can't wait for some of them to die."
SSC people are people who come from S (sool) S (sanaag) and C (cayn)
they're ssc people