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Shlong Sauce

A descriptive slang pun intended as for dark humor or inappropriate comedy, describing the male penis body part.

Ay girl you tryna get this Shlong Sauce on that thicc ass of yours.

Yo last night Stacy dropped by and I busted Shlong Sauce all in her.

by Kennedy.G March 8, 2019

Arconti sauce

1. A spicy blend of Italian herbs and seasonings with a bitter aftertaste.

2. Any liquid used to destroy an electronic device.

"Man, my game was running fine until somebody poured Arconti sauce all over my keyboard."

by Chrizzzzz July 11, 2006

Arconti sauce

1. A spicy blend of Italian herbs and seasonings with a bitter aftertaste.

2. Any liquid used to destroy an electronic device.

"Man, my game was running fine until somebody poured Arconti sauce all over my keyboard."

by Chriznazz July 10, 2006

Tarder Sauce

A retards semen

Kyle let the tarder sauce dry on the cat

by UrbanDickGroup November 20, 2024

Steak Sauce

Meaning that something is top notch, premium, excellent, the best, extraordinary or top of the line. A-1.

Oh man that movie was Steak Sauce!”

“That catch for a touchdown was steak sauce!”

by Rumdaddy September 16, 2020

Sour sauce

Sour sauce is when something good just happened (like in a sport or something)

Hailey: dude we just got a basket!
Ally: sour sauce

by Mindy jackson February 4, 2019

sour sauce

The liquid that comes from a chick's snatch that has a yeast infection.

I went to eat out jens pussy. Until i went down there a smelled the sour sauce and almost fucken puked.

by STINKFINGER1 January 1, 2019