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A fascination with death and the morbid. The style of goth, which some goths may or may not wear, often includes black hair, pale skin, large quantities of metal jewelry, piercings, etc.

Some goths may be considered posers for they dress in the gothic style in order to gain attention and to be "different." The irony in this lies that they are all different, and thus all the same.

I was horrified to find it becoming a "trend" to be gothic in the United States and in Europe.

by Chalk Outline May 28, 2005

12πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


A subculture pretty much composed of hopeless bums, the founder of which thought it would be super swell to name their fun little group after the music they liked which was named after, I don't know... say... a group of GERMAN INVADERS, and/or a style of architecture utilized in the late middle ages (Durham Castle is a prime example of diffusion between the Romanesque and Gothic styles, actually, but the pure style involves thin columns, pointed archways, many stained-glass windows (making the GOTHIC cathedrals very BRIGHT), all supported by flying buttresses. Heh, the Goths I define, not known particularly for expansive intellects, will laugh at that one.). They prize themselves in being dark, sensitive and artistic, but most importantly, NOT POPULAR. Damn those popular kids! Popularity is sooooo overrated. (Yes, they all secretly want to be popular but find they cannot because nobody actually likes them) And by all means, they are NOT poseurs. In fact, the people whom they detest most are poseurs. You know, people who try to be like them, but could never attain the glory that is... GOTH!

I'll tell you what. Wanna be a nonconformist? Spend your time at the library instead of slitting your wrists, clad in men's work shirts, ties and pocket-protectors. Maybe then you'll actually make something of yourself. And you don't have to be popular, either!

Regular, pretty cool, intellectual college student (mockingly): Hey, emo kid. When you get depressed, do you cut your wrists in every direction? Does singing songs about getting dumped give you an erection?

Nineteen-year-old "Gothic" college-dropout: LIEK ZOMGZ!!! I AM NOT EMO!! EMO KIDS ARE POSEURS!! *punches regular, pretty cool, intellectual college student*

Regular, pretty cool, intellectual college student: It's funny that you did that, because much to your chagrin, I actually have the education necessary to not only submit a complaint to the police department, but defend myself in your battery case! Too bad you spent your days in your dark, depressing oblivion drawing pretty pictures of bleeding unicorns, not taking advantage of your parents' tuition savings. Good luck!

by Lauren. Yeah, that's right, I'm not so much of a coward that I can't even post my name. December 29, 2005

23πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž


usually people are goth becouse they think they have problems or they are wannabes some goths though are usually like that natrally they really are depressed unlike most goths wich like i said are only acting it to go with there appearence but not its true not all goths dress in black with chains becouse im a goth and i dont dress like that to often or act depressed when im really not, some people though have a huge misunderstanding on the "true" goths who are that way by nature which i think people need to open there eyes and figure out the posers from the naturals. and i read a thing earlier and just to get things striaght not all goths get drunk and fuck dead animals the only ones you do that are the sick bastards who make all us goths look bad by making everbody beilieve that all goths are supposed to be sick and satanic, but its not true and some goths do have a life the only ones who dont are the ones who think there lonley and abused but most of them are not there only acting. and i just wanted people to know this so they dont talk about all the ok goths, its only the wannabes and sickos that you should talk bad about. thats all i have to say now. oh and one more thing i found this and just decided to wright if i am wrighting from the wrong thing please let me know

im goth and im nothing like that

by Jen ^_^ October 2, 2006

7πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


1. A Germanic peoples that likely originated as a minor ethnic group in Scandinavia and grew as they spread across Europe roughly two thousand years ago. Upon settling in areas around the Black Sea, they encountered the Roman Empire, and in the fourth century AD, sacked the city, putting the nail in the coffin for the mighty empire, and that was the end of that.

2. Short for 'gothic,' a musical and stylistic movement that came off the punk scene in the late 1970s with such bands as Bauhaus and Siouxsie and the Banshees. Popularity has waxed and waned since but the movement has remained intact to this day. Probably one of the most visually distinct subcultures around, characterized by a preference for dark clothing that is often influenced by Victorian, medieval and BDSM ascetics, among other things, and/or make-up, a pale complexion and some pretty interesting footwear. Since events like Columbine that sparked a witch hunt, goth culture has been accused of corrupting minors with Satanism, vampirism and violence. In truth, a great number of goths are actually intelligent, articulate and conscious people who, despite the foreboding appearance, are for the most part, more stimulating to be around than any of the varieties of chickenshit conformist that dominate the world today.

3. An angsty, angry suburban teenager who needs a great way to rebel against his or her unfair parents. What better way than with a Marilyn Manson t-shirt, a terrible black hair dye job and matching lipstick? Claiming to be 'gothic' because they listen to angry nu-metal bands like Slipknot and Korn, they often think their issues like drugs and self-mutilation contribute to their gawthick-ness. They will probably grow out of it in a few months and find something new to piss of their parents with. Until then, they'll just give the rest of us a bad name.

1. The hairy savages you see in your history book. See fall of Rome era.

2. People you might see wearing black velvet in the summertime, reading something darkly enlightening.

3. Might be the constantly scowling girl in a black Marilyn Manson t-shirt that can't apply her .99 cent Hot Topic black lipstick right, that sits in the back row and plays Manson on her headphones loud enough to annoy the adults.

by Seraphim's Rage March 20, 2004

110πŸ‘ 270πŸ‘Ž


Not necessarily people who are Satanic, or evil. But we like to play up that image. Because it scares you. And that's funny.

There are sub-divisions of the Goth style, and they're as varied as... A very varied thing. My own involves wearing bits of chainmail, gauntlets, and occassionally a helmet, and moshing my face off to the likes of Tyr, Amon Amarth and Turisas... Whereas my friend wanders around with a respirator on, a massive pair of black trousers with bright piping, and goggles...

In my opinion, skulls are the name of the game... But that opinion changes from goth to goth.

Plus we have the hottest girls.

I know... Hold my helmet. Gunna give her some of the Battelgoth charm.

by F4lseP0sitive May 21, 2011

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thank u definition #1.
goths don't wear all black.
they wear whatever the fuck they want.
being goth is basicly just stating your opinion all the time(even if it gets u in a shitload of trouble)

vince is such a goth

by iceitope May 30, 2009

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Most people think that they know what a goth is, but really they do not. People usually think that goths are depressed and suicidal, always wear black, have no friends, and are always gay/bi. This is not the case at all. Most goths are not depressed and suicidal; most people you see like this are posers. Note that I say most, not all. Some goths are like this, but not the majority like people think. Also, although most goths do usually wear black, some do not even like the colour and prefer brighter colours. Goths do not have no friends, they just have enough sense to realize that popularity is not the most important thing in life. Furthermore, goths are not always gay/bi. The reason for this rumour is probably because goths are much more open-minded than many other people, and they usually regard both sexes as equal. Most of the β€œgoths” people see are actually posers. Also, most people don’t know what goth music actually is. Slipknot, Korn and other bands posers listen to are not goth. Neither is Marilyn Manson. Some examples of actual goth bands are Bauhaus and Switchblade Symphony. So if a goth isn’t all these things, what are goths? Well goths are open-minded people, often with a dark appeal. There are many different types of goth, and all have their own individual style. Goths are also very creative and often become writers, poets or artists.

Goths are not the posers you see outside Hot Topic, they are open-minded, creative people who make great friends.

by EvilDarkMonster June 25, 2007

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