Person who is seen as cringeworthy but deep down miss understood by society. Would never hurt a soul and would have an abundance of love for those who get to know him. (Ps usually has a huge cock)
Damn why is everyone being mean to him? that’s a Eugene scene
Eugene is a smart person. He is a trustworthy and a genius friend with constant ideas.
Abby: did you hear about the new eugene coming to our class?
Joe: Yes, I heard he's real smart.
Eugene is a butt-licking cat who loves licking his own butt. Eugene usually eats funky foods, so he's a funky cat.
"Oh look! Eugene is licking his butt again! I love it when Eugene licks his butt!"
A.K.A Huge Eug, The Beast from the Far East, and Absolute Academic Weapon. Has been to Great WOlf Lodge more than once and loves youtube Shorts
Bro is that "EUGENE" or just a fat stack of poutine
A Eugene is a cracked Valorant player it is a word that means a pro Valorant player.
The most beautiful girl you will ever meet. She is so beautiful that you will temporarily go blind and then go into a coma for 3 business days. She has the coolest jewelry and super gorgeous eyes. AND THE MOST PERFECT BANGS EVER LIKE WHAT?!! She will always be there for you and will find your address and hunt you down if she needs to- don’t get on her bad side.
Child: I think there’s a monster in my closet!
Parents: don’t worry, it’s just Eugene
A weird guy who looks like an egg and never goes outside.
“Kid, you crossed the line.”-Eugene
Eugene is a special type of human or shall I call an egg