The strongest most Supreme swear word to call anybody.
Phil: "you're gay"
Jake: "well you're a gringo yank
Phil: *flings back like an anime protagonist getting hit by an antagonist but instead of getting up and rushing back to fight, fucking dies*
The day when people yank weave out of other people head. That weave is so ugly do just yank it. It occurs on APRIL 16
Whoa I wanna yank that weave out of her head. Today is national yank weave day.
Similar to "keep on a short leash". Yanking someone's leash means to verbally admonish them, usually constantly and for things that don't warrant it. Often done until the person whose leash is being yanked stops acting or talking a certain way and loses a part of what made them themselves. This is often associated with a controlling relationship.
Derived from the concept of pulling on a dogs leash when he tries to go somewhere or do something that the owner doesn't approve of.
See also: Pussy whipped
Not to be confused with: Yanking your chain
Husband: *innocent joke*
Wife: Do you always have to do this? You are humiliating me, you're so insensitive, that joke was not okayandblablablablablablabla
Husband: I'm sorry, dear.
Husband's friend: Damn bro, she's really yanking your leash!
you can't get into anymore trouble the situation your in is mess up it get's
My friend was so wasted I said To him after a hangover you don't have to yank it two horns
noun; A man who knows no bounds in the realms of the possible and will solve any problem that comes before him like the true hippy yank he is. Also a member of the Brotherhood of The Tree, the Gatekeeper of the Light.
Guy: Man, my girl don't like me anymore, what should i do?
Agony Yank: Alright, alright first off you gotta show up at her work wearing only moon boots and a space helmet. Then you tell her the Gatekeeper of the Light says if she don't respect you, he'll send the goats-head of Mesopotamia to introduce her to the ways of the Tree. That'll sort you out. If not, you can smack that bitch with my trusty bat butch. It's ok, you have my permission...
A person who Ties a rope to a heavy object, including they're neck, then yanking they're body forward as hard as possible to kill they're self
Random person: How did he commit suicide!?
Detective: Looks like he did a suicide Yank.
Verb -
1. To hang out and have sex.
2. The act of having sex.
1. "Hey girl, you want to yank out this weekend."
2. "I can't come to the phone right now, this girl and I are yanking out."