A pickle that SeffInSpace enjoys at night.
"Were you there in stream when Seff was eating a night pickle? Pretty poggers right?"
Utilizing a cigarette to wash down the spicy pickles you are eating from 7-11.
"Wow this pickle-washing hits dif in the a.m!"
The act of jumping off one's bed in a dunking position, but instead "dunking" your penis into the girls vagina.
Dude I pickle dunked my girl last night.
Hey bro, you gotta pickle dunk her!!
A friend who will eat the pickle that comes with your food if you don't want it. Obviously can be used as innuendo like any other pickle reference. Similar to a slaw buddy in situations where there is unwanted cole slaw to be had by an eager soul.
Jeff is my pickle pal whenever we go to Eat 'n' Park for grilled cheese and french fries. No! not like that, you pervert.
1. a pussy-fermented penis.
2. successfully having actual heterosexual sex long enough for fermentation of the penis to begin.
Bar Goer 1: "So yah see, I was trapped inside my ex-wife's coochie so long it gave me pickled-dick, and it ain't tasted right ever since."
Bar Goer 2: "You're tellin me!"
Nickname for Spirit Payton, a well-known ASMR YouTuber whose most famous video is of her recording herself eating a pickle very close to a microphone.
Girl #1: Oh my god, the pickle lady is insane!
Girl #2: Spirit Payton? I love her ASMR videos, they're so calming!
Another term for masturbating. Coined by the late comedian Robert Schimmel in a satirical song he wrote called the "jack shack".
Mom: Willy!
Willy: Yea?
Mom: You're not pumping the pickle in there, are you?
Willy (in panic): Uh, um, no. I'm pooping.
Mom: Oh, okay.