Source Code

Ban circumcision movement

A movement that seeks to make circumcision illegal around the world.

John is in the ban circumcision movement.

by Deep blue 2012 March 26, 2010

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Ur Ban Dictionary

What the Urban Dictionary logo looks like it says. This is also a term where you see a non christian word on the site and you report it.

Is that Urban Dictionary, or Ur Ban Dictionary?

by Yoshi Stamp3d3 May 21, 2019

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ray ban goggles

when a male places his balls over the eylids of a female (or male) a kinky sex term refferred to in 40 year old virgin

dude,i totally gave ashley ray ban goggles last night.

by marissa knows her hoes April 14, 2006

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guess whos banned

Guess whos banned! Guess whos banned on all of thei accounts! Its me! This is truly an honour. Im honoured to be banned on all of my accounts by the worst mods on earth.

Hey, Guess whos banned!

by IcEDCave November 15, 2021

Roblox Ban Support

A useless support because 99.999% of the time it never works and you mostly loan 2 responses in order to be forbidden from talking to those shitty team members anymore

I got banned? This has to be a mistake! *submits an unban request* (1 hour later) They finally responded! But wait! They can't talk to me anymore! Roblox Ban Support sucks!

by BobTheStickman420 May 7, 2022

Ur Ban Dictionary

What the 'Urban Dictionary' logo looks like if you squint real hard

"I got banned"
"How do you know?"
"I saw my name on the Ur Ban Dictionary"

by Real-Life NPC June 4, 2022

ur-BAN dicktionary

the title for people that were banned for saying sex related things. they are urban dicks.

friend: i saw an ur-BAN dicktionary earlier today
me: wow, what did he say?
friend: a city is a type of sex when you do vore and throw a fetus

by [{(KAT)}] October 27, 2020