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Penis Baseball

Penis Baseball is a sport just like Baseball except instead of using a Baseball Bat to hit the ball, they instead use their Penis to hit the ball. Sometimes in Penis Baseball the Anus is used to launch the ball to the batter instead of using their hands. Penis Baseball is a dangerous sport which can cause erectile dysfunction which is why the sport is very rarely played and no real human is physically able to play this sport properly. Judging by the definition, Penis Baseball is definitely not a sport for anyone with a Penis.

Penis Baseball is such a horrible idea that even Jackass didn't pick up the idea.

by BetterSkatez January 22, 2021

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Baseball Game

When a group of guys get together, with baseball bats, and hit each other until someone passes out, then the group has sex with the unconscious person.

"Hey man, I was supposed to go to a baseball game but I blacked out and when I woke up my butt hurt."

by Geiko Caveman September 5, 2008

15๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž

Baseball Darts

A game where pinpoint focus and immense talent colide with mental capacity and a desire for success. The game involves all the normal rules of baseball, with high percent singles and dangerous HR balls, encanvassed with double play and sacrafice trenches. The room in which it is played is located in the deepest part of a Grace street Castle Ruled by King Shazzle and his band of goons. (see king Shazzle). Many never win and the penalty for a loss is unknown as no loser has ever been seen again. The room has been rumored to be surround by a moat filled with deadly levels of Snake juice. And if the Snake juice gets in a competetor's eye he must finish the game with one or both blind eye(s). nobody knows how to win or how to beat the residents of the castle, but Challenges often arise and the challenger always disappears. The prize for beating a resident of the Grace Castle is also unknown, some say it leads to riches and other to a life time guarantee of Copenhagis-Skoalisis. The secrecy is what cuts you to death when you enter the baseball Dart room or so they say. Some say even if a man wins, the deadly toxin of snake juice will penetrate the payers lungs, and he will die before he can collect his prize.

Baseball darts

The man playing "Baseball Darts" tipped the dart with deadly snake juice, and when thrown killed his competitor.

"Baseball Darts" killed 5 of my friends and I will have my vengeance.

I once fucked a girl and killed a girl playing "baseball darts"

by 37in9 July 23, 2009

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penis baseball

penis baseball is a game that only really gay kids like fernandez and broidleib would play where you hrow a tissue box at the "batter" who is actually using his cock as a bat

Nipple squeezing isnt the as gay as penis baseball

by joe lucisano December 10, 2004

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Baseball Cool

Something that is kinda cool, maybe, but when it really comes down to it, really isn't actually all that cool. Kind of like the sport baseball. It isn't that baseball is not cool, its just, their are cooler things than baseball. On a scale of 1 to 10, baseball cool falls somewhere in the 6 to 7 range. It's better than cool, but not awesome.

John: How cooooll is this Hawaiian shirt!
Frank: Hmmmm.. its pretty baseball cool
John: Baseball cool?
Frank: Yeah, its cool, but only as cool as Hawaiian shirts can be

Onlooker: Wow, that catch was so baseball cool
Onlooker2: you can't just relate all catches to baseball
Onlooker: Baseball cool, as in it was just decent

by CooBear March 2, 2012

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baseball dick

when you get dick from a really hot guy who plays baseball

"Hannah guess what I got baseball dick last night" "omg for real, like they say baseball dick is the best kind of dick"

by underrated hoe May 4, 2018

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baseball boys

boys who play baseball. they're the hottest guys who you can ever meet but sadly the sex doesnt last too long with them. if you find one, keep one

"woah baseball boys are hot as fuck"

by averygayman May 15, 2021

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