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Birthday Dick

Happens the morning after a man ejaculates and doesn't wash his penis, the result is a penis covered in frosting, just like a birthday cake.

"Ewww Johnny, I'm not sucking your penis, you have that birthday dick!"

by Rustyrastafari August 3, 2020

11๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Birthday Girl

A person who has had so much alcohol that they pass out within a short time of partying. The gender of said partier does not matter, nor does it matter if it's the person's birthday or not. Basically being really, really fucked up.

1) A. Woah there, why are you carrying Jarrett out of the party already?

B. He went into birthday girl mode real quick tonight, sorry guys.

2) A. Hey Cody, nice win for the football team huh?

B. Hell yeah bro! Parties are going to be sick! I am definitely going birthday girl tonight.

by Moosenman December 21, 2012

24๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

sad birthday

Originally used as a birthday that does not go very well, later bastardized into any unfortunate happenstance

Birthday Boy: Oh a surprise party? Awesome! thanks guys! ....Wait a minute...there are only 2 balloons? that's it, I'm leaving...SAD BIRTHDAY!


Jazzy: Man, It's 3 AM and I still have a lot of homework to do...I guess I have to pull an all-nighter...
V.M: Saaaaad Birthday

by Danny-Matt October 6, 2009

34๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

birthday blunt

(noun). A blunt saved for the sole purpose of getting high on one's birthday.

Were you at Kelly's party? The party really started when she brought out her huge birthday blunt!

by malman32 March 6, 2009

19๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

birthday zone

The 72 hours before and after your actual birthday in which it is still technically your birthday.

Friend 1: "Sorry I forgot to wish you a happy birthday yesterday!!"
Friend 2: "That's okay, I'm still in the birthday zone."

by iEATyourCUPCAKE November 5, 2013


The almost real party before the realist birthday party happens

Tomorrow is my birthday so today we are pre-birthdaying

by The-wise-one December 22, 2017

birthday queef

When a girl shoves confetti in her vagina then queefs and lets out a parade shooting confetti everywhere.

I sent Kyle a snapchat of my birthday queef last night.

by Mr.Noose October 26, 2013