It will take what feels like days to figure out any of the words that have to be more than four letters
Hey I think i see a word, (We're on the spelling bee site by the NY Post)
No its been rejected it needs more than four letters.
FFS, lets get wordling instead, or forget all of this and go for a hike.
A temporarily stopped YouTube channel that will ever make a cum back godverdomme.
A 100% REAL disorder where you brain cannot mentally put together words correctly. No matter how many times the said person reads or writes the correct word, when spelling it on their own it doesn't click. Similar to Dyslexia but not the same in any means. Doesn't effect reading.
Me: I think Ella has Bad Spelling Disorder
Mom: Dumbfuck probably does.
No one knows how to do that in my school.
God all those kids don't know how to spell!
A duel in which two people try to out-spell the other.
Amber Heard and Johnny Depp had a spell-off recently, Johnny Depp came on top.
An poplar ancient science where one learned how to spell correctly. It was a very important part of human communication all the way up until the invention of Spell Check, after which nobody really cared.