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fat russian communist

your dumass fat teacher that will not stop fucking talk about his god dam russian ansesters

no one wants to hear about your fucking russian ansestery now fucking teach the class you fat russian communist

by extra thick hunter April 25, 2019

1👍 1👎

Communist Queef

A queef while a girl is on her period.

« She did a fat communist queef »

by KnightPug July 17, 2019

communist porridge

Pressing the penis' tip firmly to your girlfriend's anus hole, unbeknownst to her while she's sleeping; slowly milking out a hot load of semen and ejaculating the whole shot directly into her butt without waking her up.

After me and Wendy had had a few drinks and some sex, she decided to stay the night over, so while she was sleeping I cuddled up tightly to her backdoor and fed her some communist porridge.

by Typewriter '79 February 7, 2022

Communist Glow

The redness of the face that occurs when those of communist ancestry(Russian, Chinese, etc.) drink alcohol.

Dana and Stephanie’s parents are from Russia and China so they get the communist glow when they drink a lot of alcohol.

by Dddddddddddpppppppp December 10, 2023

Communist Manifesto

used to describe

a) a piece of personal political writing, usually a book or a pamphlet, which reflects one's own political world view, but a world view that is often radically atm-against the mainstream- or, in a liberal democracy, where freedom of speech is allowed, considered politically incorrect (not supported by the official party in power) in one's zeitgeist

a group of coworkersers start commenting on and discussing their friend's yet unpublished manuscript of a political book that he brought to the office, to show to his coworkers:

person a) : wow Peter, your views on abortion and other current social issues are so atm-against the mainstream-, not to mention radical.

person b): I agree with Tom (person a), but I would also add that you may have a hard time publishing such a manuscript, since some of your conclusions are politically incorrect, especially in our era of Conservative government.

Peter (guy who wrote the manuscript): gentlemen, I appreciate and respect your opinions, whatever they may be, but I am still proud of my Communist Manifesto. If you don't share my political views, it's okay; at least we've agreed to disagree.

by Sexydimma December 4, 2011

I'm Literally A Communist

Another way of saying "I'm a feeble-minded piece of crap". Typically uttered by cringey self-styled wannabe Commies, "Tankie" idiots and autist ANTIFA weaklings whilst they look at their Iphones and sip their soy lattes from Starbucks, taking advantage of the fruits of Capitalism and the free speech (and the Police they despise, usually) which protects them whilst spouting a lot of seditious gibberish and feigned solidarity with the working class, likely out of guilt of being from a wealthy family, notice how few of them work, unlike we of the working class, who are just trying to get by, and actually hate those clowns because we're very patriotic.

Most infamously said by Ash "I'm literally a Communist" Sarkar, a brain-dead aspie who hates this country and thinks we're so bad, yet won't buy a one-way ticket to somewhere like Venezuela, North Korea or Red China and move her sorry carcass there and be amongst her "comrades" over there, even though 98% of Britons would gladly buy the ticket and tell her not to let the door hit her on the arse on the way out. Seriously, Sarkar, from the British working class, FUCK. RIGHT. OFF. we don't want you here.

"I'm Literally a Communist" said mongoloidic Guardianista Ash Sarkar, as she enjoyed the fruits of our Capitalist system, such as computers, wealth, having enough to eat, a "smart" phone, the internet, free speech, holidays, whilst at the same crapping all over we, the British working class, GTFO out of our country, you aren't wanted here!

by Wardie1993 August 16, 2023

cupertino communist

1. Someone who believes Cupertino should be part of China because there is so many Chinese people living there.

2. A China born immigrant who buys a nice house, has a good family and nice job in Cupertino

My goodness, why is everything in Cupertino expensive. Maybe they should start the Cupertino communist party.
2. Man, those Cupertino communist took my job.

by Brokecollegestudebt November 11, 2019