There are many theories as to why the Buffalo Bills are so tragically inclined to giving up great opportunities in the twilight of magnificent games or seasons. The one I offer is The Curse of the Juice ("The Juice" being OJ Simpson--Bills running back '69-'77). Great player on a shitty team, destined to spend his golden years in jail is--it's an all too appropriate parallel to a team that can bring it large untill the fourth quarter or fourth horribly super bowel.
Why the fuck can't the Bills win with a lead at the two minute mark?
Curse of the Juice bro... effin OJ...
Stupid and obnoxious. And shouldn’t be allowed to have tik tok. Likes dark jokes and cosplays old characters. Shouldn’t be allowed to cosplay.
A curse originally started by Austin Renneke in which a player or team continuously succeeds in the regular season or playoffs but ultimately fails in the championship game. The curse came to be after Austin Renneke proceeded to have a 2-7 record in the finals despite success in all games prior, with many other situations being the same such as an undefeated season where he'd lose the Super Bowl and many more.
Person 1: Bruhhh we really just lost in championship after being undefeated
Person 2: Ahhhh you got that Renneke Curse
Person 2: Yeah we aint on that Renneke type beat
Based on Goomba from Super Mario Bros. A powerful being most known for his scaly skin, large eyes and unmoving, straight mouth. He is an immortal goomba with no care for human life.
Praise our lord and savior Cursed Goomba
xfudge curse is when you become really shit at the gulag and is unable to win until you have won
person 1: shit you died ya try to win the gulag
person 1: oh wait he has the xfudge curse
A phenomenon that occurs amongst those who pirate video games. Essentially once someone has a large library of pirated video games, they suddenly lose the urge to play anything from it or lose interest in games all together.
One can theorize that once something that is normally obtained via monetary means is stolen (especially in large quantities), it may lose its value to the person who initially stole it.
"Hay bro what's up, you look kind of down today?"
"I spent all night downloading 20TB of old retro games, and out of all of them none of which I have no desire to play."
"First, I think you got the pirate's curse. Second, why did you spend the entire night downloading games?"
An ancient curse which summons the wrath of a supernatural being known as Mr Gluckin. The curse is commonly inficted via chainmail or the occurrence of a dog act.
Example 1:
Tyler: Ayo Mr Gluckin... I don't feel so good...
Example 2:
Jacko: Oi cliff you coming out tonight?
Cliffy: Nah mate, with the missus.
Jacko: Thats it, you've got the kukri curse now.