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Simply another word for weed.

"Yo do you have dank?"

by BeAnZz July 31, 2008

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The combined experience of having a dump and a wank

"I had a great dank this morning"
"I didn't get my timing right, the dank was terrible"
"oh god that dank was mind-blowing"

Person 1: "you took a long time in the toilet"
Person 2: "oh sos, I was danking"

by The dank master October 27, 2009

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1. very good

2. very bad

It was a thouroughly dank hotel.

by Light Joker January 3, 2006

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1. Moist and/or wet.
2. Fucking awesome.
3. Extremely tasty.

1. This swamp is really dank.
2. Oh my god you did a backflip. Thats pretty dank.
3. McDank. (search it)

by inkspill July 5, 2009

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1) An expression for some one or something that is extremely great.

2) A saying to show great entusism toward a subject.

Hey do you know where I can find some dank lobster rolls?

by blackdaddybigcocks March 19, 2010

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Something awesome and cool

These dank memes are the best!

by Kwillitzer June 16, 2017

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Usually refers to weed. But nowadays, it is used by swag fags and low lifers to refer to something they think is "cool". I essence, it replaces the word "good" or "cool" or anything of the sort.

swagfag 1: Aw hey man, what did you think of the joke I told you?
swagfag 2: It was soooo dank man.

by Jim Dunnigan January 16, 2015

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