Source Code

Open Data

Picture a digital treasure trove of Earth's info, up for grabs! No need for special invites or elite memberships; it's a total open book. Satellites orbiting overhead capture epic snapshots and data, and guess what? You get full access, no strings attached.

"My grandma just texted me that SkyFi now has Open Data. How does she even know that?"

by Human of Earth July 26, 2023

Beholder data

Data that is created by you but stored and owned by a company. The company displays it to you but you do not have any rights to it. Typically the company says it's not used by anyone else but you and you have the rights to it but in practice the data is really hard to download or use by anything else than the company's own products.

- Hey, the data is harmless let Google have it. I mean what can they do with it?
- What if you want to use it to something else, like controlling your Samsung device?
- I can just download it, no problem, right?
- Nah man, its beholder data only.

by Grovkillen February 26, 2019