slang term for heroin (used frequently in Vancouver,BC Canada. Not sure about other areas of the world)
Hey bro, I got some killer dizzle last night. Really good for shooting up. You gotta try some
Something of a miniscule size, and we all know what that 'something' is.
"Yea I like him, but he's got a real dizzle you know..."
A boyish or ghetto lesbian. Used commonly towards a lesbian with more masculine physical characteristics/mannerisms. Typically a lesbian that is sporty and/or handy with tools. A less derogatory version of the word 'dyke'
Look at all those dizzles playing softball with their backwards hats and short hair. I wish I knew a handy dizzle that could build me a deck.
Verb - To overcome being cucked on stream by a twitch thot that you mod for, the dizzler will be redeemed.
Bro did you see how supcaitlin cucked her mod dilly?
Yeah, but he's the dizzler and the dizzled his way out of that like a boss.
when you burp after drinking soda and it comes out your nose
Friend: Dude, why are you making that face?
Me: That soda made me dizzle!
An adjective for anything positive.
Dizzle dizzle.
Ah, dizzle?
Verb - to successfully dodge an accusation of sexual assault
First, Will diddled his employee and then he 'dizzled' her, making Will a real businessman and bringing America on step closer to "great" again.