Source Code

Trucker's Dozen

When an 18-wheeler driver's wife cheats on him/her in an orgy with eighteen other men.

After accidentally driving through the wall, Larry found his wife in a Trucker's Dozen with the neighborhood watch.

by barkotempo December 22, 2021

Biker's Dozen


"That looks like a Biker's Dozen."

"You mean Baker's dozen?"


"How many is in a Biker's Dozen?"



by LuChaosTheory July 5, 2021

Chipper's Dozen

Just as a Baker's Dozen historically refers to 13 (typically as bread rolls), A Chipper's Dozen refers to some number greater than that which was ordered, typically applied to Potato Cakes / Potato Scallops / Potato Fritters. In any such case, the customer will order and pay for some number of these fried delights and typically receive something like 1.3 to 1.5x that number. More typically this applies to an order less than a dozen, so it is more useful (though more cumbersome) to describe a "Chipper's half-dozen".

"Order 67! - 8 potato cakes."
"Yep, that's me."
"Yeah no worries. A few of these looked a bit puny so I threw in a couple more for ya."
"Thanks mate. Whoa thanks, there's like 10 in here or maybe more?"
"You're alright - just a standard Chipper's dozen."

by keepCalmAndGetOuttaHere June 30, 2023

Carpenter’s dozen

A collection of sixteen of something

The hardware store sells a box of nails by the carpenter’s dozen.

by Joe Hardwick May 18, 2018

Pwners Dozen

Similar to a bakers dozen but instead of 13 bread rolls, you make 12 Carriers

I was like OMG, but then I realised I had the pwners dozen and roflestomped him

by HyperionAAA December 10, 2010