A social departure similar to the Irish exit, distinguished by the act of uttering something disruptive or mood-dampening before promptly leaving a gathering, effectively ending the evening without giving others a chance to respond.
After declaring that pineapple does belong on pizza, Mark swiftly performed a Belfast exit, leaving the stunned dinner guests to contemplate his controversial opinion.
Instead of an Irish exit where you leave without saying goodbye, you drop a massive controversial take to ruin the vibe of the night and then leave alike to bombing the vibes of the night.
“Hey man, how’s it going?”
“Good, but I’m about to do a Belfast Exit”
“Dude, you can’t do that it’s Thanksgiving.”
As friendly as folks are in Montana, they always stop to say hello, usually on horseback, and then quickly go on about their business. Perhaps fishing, hunting, checking cattle, or fencing.
Jeremiah, let’s stop by Willie’s, but make a Montanan Exit, I’m going fishing in the morning.