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Filthy Mullet

Filthy Mullet

aussie slang; The sexiest hairstyle any aussie could have

1st person : "look at that sexy cunt"

2nd person: "noshh, fucken filthy mullet"

by bogeyrangers November 23, 2019

Filthy danish

When you shoot cum all over a chicks face, then sling shite all over her and make her look like a dalmation: hence a firehouse dog.

Last night I gave your mum a filthy Danish

by Sheepy2310 February 13, 2012

Filthy Flamingo

When you are fucking a girl and she is standing up, bent over while you are doing the flamingo dance, beating her pussy up.

Brandon: Dude, I did the Filthy Flamingo with my girlfriend!

Jonathan: Hell yeah! I'm going to try that too!

by FilthyFlamingo69 January 31, 2018

filthy haggard

A dirty Sanchez using truffle butter.

Wade gave the skank a filthy Haggard.

by Not Mr. Hat January 14, 2018

Filthy Rockstar

A chick in a group of dudes head bobbing on one fondling another making it look like a rock guitar player

Debra was at the local gangbang doing her special trick the Filthy Rockstar

by MaddHatterz August 1, 2019

Filthy Dutchman

A hot, bloody shit turd on a plate covered in semen

"This food tastes like shit, I may as well have asked for a Filthy Dutchman" or "I served up a nice hot Filthy Dutchman on their doorstep"

by Iamtheliquor December 29, 2015

Filthy Andrew

A form of cucking where the cuckolds wife/girlfriend gets gangbanged by at least 3 men. However whenever one of the men cum, they do so on the cuckold.

Last night me and the wife tried a Filthy Andrew, and all three dudes got cum in my eye!

by Trendy Libtard November 25, 2020