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a sorry ass "boyfriend" who controls your every move & thinks you're always gonna owe him something...even if you haven't done a favor for him, he'll probably want the "kitty" so now you're pressured into doing what he wants, he'll bring you down ALOT

you: i think he might be cheating & he pressured me into giving him head last night .

me: he is such a fuckboy.

by GLAMAZON December 13, 2016


A Fuckboy doesnt need to have multiple girl friends or have sex in order to be considered a fuckboy,
in some cases a fuck boy will have this :
1. Flipped hair
2. Tons of selfies with either shirt off or mouth open in their way of being " sexy "
3. Have " You are the only girl i notice " , " I only have eyes for you " , " i can picture us together " or even " You is a cutieeeee " as some picture captions along with heart eyes emojies, heart emojies, water emoji , and heart with arrow emoji .
4. Trying too hard lip bites

Fuckboys are really easy to notice if you look in the right place.
(( usually fuckboys are little kids or teenagers who think they can get any girl they want with their looks ))

All he does is post shirtless selfies and say " You are the only 1 i need in my life " in his captions, he is such a Fuckboy

by Its_Fucking_Paul March 16, 2016


A term used to refer to male in the top 20% of Sexual Market Value (SMV) i.e. A guy who is an 8, 9 or 10, relatively speaking, to the competition in his location / society. The proper term is a "Chad".

The word fuckboy was popularized by the many lower SMV girls whom Chads have fucked without the intent to form anything resembling a relationship. These girls are usually 5s, 6s, and 7s, but look hot with a tonne of makeup etc. They usually meet these Chads ("fuckboys") on Tinder, meet up for a "date" at a cheap bar, which always happens to be within a 1 mile radius of Chads apartment, and then let him fuck them raw that night.

With the door open, so to speak, and an easy fuck with no condom when he's bored; Chad will most likely fuck them 3 or 4 more times over the space of the next month or so, on the weekend days that the 8 SMV girl he's actually dating for real is busy.

You can see why these girls are called "backup girls". Chad cuts them off when they inevitably begin to get attached and needy after a month.

This is one of the many obvious outcomes of giving complete reproductive sovereignty to the sex that is the bottleneck to reproduction and a deeply hypergamous creature by nature. Another outcome is incel school shooters, as we see more and more of everyday.

Fuckboy is term 5/6/7s give to Chads that they gave easy, raw pussy to for a month, then got ghosted by when they became a hassle.

"This new guy Chad I was dating for a month just ghosted me, I really thought he liked me, that's why I gave him easy raw pussy immediately. Why do I keep meeting fuckboys!! "

by free roacher June 12, 2022


A male who acts like he cares about you, but really only cares about pussy. He always asks for nudies, and just wants sex. When you start to have feelings for him, he peaces out.

Joan: How are things with Joey?
Susie: IDK, He keeps asking for nudes, and then he ignores me for days if I ask him to hang out.
Joan: oh, So he's a fuckboy...

by WayneBowWilly June 19, 2017


Fuckboy is stupid fatass who just wanz to fuck you because he is retarded and has complex

I love a fuckboy

by jebem u mozak October 2, 2017


A boy who sleeps with everyone and also breaks their heart,

Ughhh, Jack is such a fuckboy!!

by Awesome/Amazing January 1, 2017


A fuckboy is someone who wears expensive clothes, acts like a wannabe gangster, and thinks they are the shit. They go thru a couple girls a weeks n play every single one of them. They never mess with someone without telling their friends after.

kenny is the prime example of a fuckboy

by 123456789smokedout123 June 25, 2019