Source Code

spoonish gee socket

(sticking the penis in an girl with one eye's empty eye socket at the same time as slaping her blatter)

bitch im gonna spoonish gee socket you

by arkblatteresmell June 29, 2009

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Gee Whiz Project

A "Gee Whiz Project" is a project or design specification that is either overly complicated, requires a vast amount of resources to complete with little to no impact, or is totally and completely unnecessary or impossible.

Corporate assigned me a "Gee Whiz Project" today. I need to design and write a program to scour several thousand data sources with pinpoint accuracy and with a zero percent error rate with all results being returned in under 10 seconds. The artificial intelligence interface will then be required to ask the user how they are feeling about the search, and if necessary order the appropriate coffee or medication to make the user "feel better".

by corpse_in_a_cube April 18, 2009

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Gee Finger Poking

The process of toggling switches or options to find out what they do without fully understanding the consequences of such actions. Usually performed by the most unqualified people in production environments.

Frank: Do you know why the site is down?
Tom: It looks like Richard was Gee Finger Poking in IIS again.

by Drew11766 July 7, 2006

3πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

get your gee

To acquire a little pussayyyyy for one's self.

Finbar: "Are you gonna get your gee tonight, Fintan?"
Fintan: "Yes. I am going to get my gee."

Mrs. McGhee: "Did you get your gee last night, Fintan?"
Fintan: "I'll get your gee now in a minute."

Fintan's Missus: "If you're headed down to the shop will you call into Finbar's house and get my gee?"
Fintan: ".............. what?"
Fintan's Missus: "Me bleedin' gee! I left it at Finbar's house last night."
Fintan: "You cheating whore!"
Fintan's Missus: "What?! Fuck you! I only brought it over coz he had no one else to play with."
Fintan: "You skank-ass bitch ho! Fuck this for a bag of cats!"

*storms out, marches to Finbar's house*

Fintan: "Where is it?! Where's her bleedin' gee you fuckin' pimp-face cuntmonger!"
Finbar: "What in the name of jaysus..."
Fintan: "Relinquish the gee! You gee-snatching... oh no wait I think she said Wii. Did she leave her Wii here?"
Finbar: "Yes."
Fintan: "Oh right. Seeya so."

(don't ask what the fuck that was about)

by Definitely not Joe anyway! January 16, 2008

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Golly gee wilikers

Something that only small boys named who got adopted by a 40 year old vigilante who likes dressing up as a bat in the middle of the night to fight penguins, ice spice, and clowns

Golly gee wilikers Batman that’s crazy!

by May 31, 2023

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Oh em Gee

The cool kids use this term instead of OMG (oh my gosh).

Oh em Gee!

I missed you so much!

by Natepizzle August 11, 2007

15πŸ‘ 53πŸ‘Ž

O Ma Gee

what one might exclaim if they just got hit in the gee ie.fanny....ie.vagina if u think that fanny means ass...

*walks into corner of table* "o ma gee!"

by bumblebeebum November 7, 2007

4πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž