Source Code

Garden Gnomes

When kids run upto a house, knock on the door and strike a pose and wait until the person who owns the house closes the door out of boredom.

Man: Those little kids won't stop playing garden gnomes so i hit em.
Woman: What pose was it today?

by Bob2332 April 27, 2009

11๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cabinet Gnome

Robin Cook

(until his resignation as Leader of the House)

Like a garden gnome; but kept in his cabinet by Tony Blair

by Stan Grytviken April 1, 2003

13๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

Evan's Gnome

Similar to the laws of thermodynamics, Evans Gnome is an immutable truth of the knowable universe:

"Nothing that only men like is cool."

Jim: "Joe Rogan and Elon Musk are playing Call of Duty."

Chad: "So?"

Steve: "Wow, that demonstration of Evan's Gnome was very astute."

by hasbinbad October 18, 2021

Gnome Gnomerson

A short stupid unfunny man whos name is actualy tiger. also created battle 4 le funny and microsecondly object show.

wow your as unfunny as Gnome Gnomerson.

by Urhooked2 September 27, 2021

Cigarette gnomes

A disease where the infected does not smoke cigarettes on a regular basis but occasionally one lit cigarette just appears in their hand and they commence the smoking just because it is already there and lit.

"Oh hey I didn't know you smoked cigarettes?"

"Oh no I just have cigarette gnomes"

by Tobacc co August 5, 2018

Strawberry Gnome

Little Mexican men that ring your doorbell trying to sell strawberries. They are also often seen on street corners. Height may not exceed 5 feet.

I was so annoyed when I had to get up to answer the door, only to find a strawberry gnome trying to sell me fruit.

by Happy Joe10 July 23, 2011

Virginity Gnome

A shorter person who's goal is to maintain the virginity of their friends.

Your mother is such a virginity gnome as she never lets us have sex.

by Dr. Gnome January 1, 2012