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axle grease

brown-colored fecal residue that accumulates within the anal area as heat is generated between the butt cheeks, and mixes with anal perspiration, usu. during strenuous activity, or during a hot day. Is usually a by-product of swamp ass.

After defecating and wiping 64 times, my rectal area appeared to be as clean and pure as the white-driven snow. However, an hour later, as the the heat and humidity increased, this just wasn't the case. My swamp ass generated a little axle grease, as evidenced by the bacon strips on the inside of my underwear (which were the size of Rhode Island.) Shootin' hoops for lengthy periods can contribute to this deplorable condition as well.

by weave March 22, 2003

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When you make a fohawk with your hair when it is really greasy. Usually done after you don't shower in the morning or after a sport.

Nice Grease-Hawk, take a shower you pig!

by payday555 January 3, 2011

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Grease Mode

Southern term meaning; To put someone in apprehension of being beat up or to beat someone up.

Andre proceeded to put his aggressors into Grease Mode.

by J. Woody September 25, 2003

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saddle grease

The visible stain on the outer garment of a person that "shart" themselves.

Did you see the stain on the back of that girls skirt? Yeah, she is sportin some saddle grease.

by Tacettes 2013 September 24, 2013

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ghud grease

(v)- The act of being caught jacking off at a friend's house, typically a really embarrassing moment. This occurs when one has enough guts to beat off at someone else's house and then karma bites back.

Chad: "Dude I heard you got ghud greased! Man what's your problem?!"

Garret " Yea mane shit, it was an accident dawg. I mean I couldn't resist that shyd..."

by greaser11 March 27, 2010

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crotch grease

the lubricant that forms around your ball sac when the temperature becomes too hot.

The crotch grease is building up around me so much you would think we were in an autoshop.

by george tedbetter July 24, 2006

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Grease Beat

When you have a quiet night in, buy a 21 piece bucket of KFC chicken, smash it while watching some porn, then use the left over chicken grease as lubricant to pleasure yourself.

I recommend putting a towel down while having a grease beat and please ensure a hefty clean up after the experience.

"What are you up to tonight, mate?"
"Heading home early for a major grease beat session"


That guy has a grease beat 2-3 times a week

by cricketfanbb3/6 January 9, 2011

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