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One of many adjectives that describes Sailor.

Dude 1: "Bro I swear I'm not gay but Sailor is so handsome"
Dude 2: "Everyone knows Sailor is handsome bro, it doesn't make you gay"
Sailor: "Sailor"

by sailorisveryhandsome November 1, 2022


Jin <3

Woah that guy is handsome!
Yeah that's Jin <3

by Heyyoongs September 27, 2021


ugly man

you are a very handsome man

by belaud August 6, 2022

Handsome Geoff

See Geoffrey Four Fingers

I want me some Handsome Geoff, he got skills girl!

by Mt.Uranus October 10, 2016

Handsome Lancer

A Handsome Lancer is a term used for very toxic people who insult you and then tell you how amazing they are.

Handsome Lancer: Dude why do you even play this game? I'm so good I'm only day 3
Person1: Dude leave me alone.

Person1: Yo dude Kyle is such a Handsome Lancer he bashed me all night for losing one ranked game of LoL
Person2: Kyle will stay Kyle, ignore him hes a douche.

by SkailusLOL August 21, 2020

handsome bitch

A good looking butch (lesbian).

Becky just came home with some handsome bitch , I knew she was a carpet muncher

by Orange County Outlaw October 2, 2019

MC Handsome

The gayest MC ever 2 come out of south perth

man, MC handsome is wack

by Calice September 9, 2008