Getting a blowjob while on a stair master
Damn bro I was at the gym the other day and got a stairway to heaven
The place that all dogs go where they die. If you believe in heaven, then when you die you will go to heaven and see your doggy.
"My doggy just died... I hope he went to doggy heaven!"
When you get the chance to room with a guy/girl with the last name Hickey so you don’t have to hold yourself accountable for giving / receiving a hickey because you’ll get one every night.
My friend Nolan was really fucking horny for sex but luckily he made it to Hickey Heaven and didn’t need additional pleasure
Gluten Heaven can be found inside any country style restaurant.
Welcome to Gluten Heaven our special today is chicken fried steak with gravy ,biscuits and choice of waffle or pancakes.
A glory hole that has been put in the ceiling for the over achievers.
Not knowing who was behind the heaven hole gets me all hot and bothered.
Made In Heaven is a white horse stand from jojo part 6 that can go super fast and go crazy
used my endorio puci
he can reset universe stop time go bac into time reset the future and have sex with all characters
Any website that's swarming with trolls, and with nothing being done about it. Such places are only comparable to Hell itself. Examples include Yahoo Answers, YouTube, and practically any forum or message board you can imagine.
Fred: I just commented on YouTube, and now there's a swarm of trolls on my ass.
Carl: Now you know why it's troll heaven.