When you but so fast a kid comes out.
I wouldn't have six kids if it weren't for hyper-nut
rlly just the word “hibernation” but kaia misspelled that and the gc clowned her for it
Angela: my fish died
Kaia: he’s in Hyper Nation
rlly just the word “Hibernation” but Kaia misspelled it and the gc clowned her for it.
A: “my fish died”
K: “He’s in Hyper Nation”
Hybrid of a night owl and a morning person
How do you have so much energy at night and in the morning? You must be hyper functional
someone who is extremely racist and find it the most funny thing in the world. (teddy)
theodore martin was an extreme hyper racist when he spammed the n word to an innocent black girl.
a person who takes pride in being extremely racist and finds being extremely racist it the funniest thing in the world. (theodore)
a small boy named "theodore" was being a hyper racist when he spammed the n word at a helpless black child.
When straight male is so afraid to be perceived as homosexual, that he won't eat a banana, a Popsicle or anything phallic in public. He is hyper Hetero.
When I'm driving, I won't eat a banana at a stop-light, because people can see me.
Bro, you're so hyper hetero!