what is your goofy ahh doing searching penis 💀
I LOVE WOMAN "do you like penis or pussy? pussy 100%"
Small this that hang on the back of your ankle
OMG…look at her PENIS it’s bleeding !
It’s something you shove up a vagina
I shoved mine in ur moms.
why did you just search penis on urban dictionary.. anyways penis is penis
duke: do you like my penis
meslissa: oh yes, very nice
albert: hey what about mine!!
melissa: ew no, dukes penis is better.. JKJK urs is awesome too lolol
long/short thing that only men have. women have vaginas
hey, do you want to suck my penis? porn hub
a stick that changes its atoms to become hard or soft usually creates icing sugar
i used a penis to ice my cake