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Ice cream van

A van that plays music to lure in children. It says ice cream on it and when you get there you are greeted by a very old man, this man loves to play with kids and when the parents look away they are pulled inside and.... well you know. Then when they look back it's normal it happens in less then a second! Ever wondered why kids are so eager to go to the ice cream van? Well know you know.... Don't trust your kids with an old bat!

"Mummy I want to go to the ice cream van!" "Be careful remember stranger danger😈."

by cutekitty69 November 28, 2018

Ice cream helicopter

A edible vehicle. Also see “Pizza Boat

Ice cream helicopter 🚁

by Little Alchemy 2 definition June 10, 2020

Ice cream roommates

When you and your bro cream inside someone at the same time and then stay there and hangout.

Hey bro want to be ice cream roommates tonight?

by BongusBoingus December 2, 2021

ice-cream sandwiches

two pieces of bread with a meaty flavoured scoop of ice cream between. can include tomatoes and salad. sauses are recomended.

You: boy I wish there were a food that contains a cold substance that tastes like ham and two pieces of bread
your cool friend( me): there are, their called the ice-cream sandwiches!
you: yummy

by bidinobish39 January 17, 2022

Ice cream sandwich

Delicious treat made of ice cream put in between wafers and thrown at a random person

Me: throws ice cream sandwich at Uber driver
Uber driver: ah fuck I can’t believe you done this

by Reetthefrog April 11, 2019

Ice Cream Dispenser

Taking a shit while jerking off.

"Sometimes when I'm in a hurry at work, I go for a quick ice cream dispenser."

by Goodgoshposh December 9, 2014

Ice-Cream Float

Where you coat you penis in ice-cream then proceed to slap you female companion in the face with said cock.

Ryan:- Yo dude, I gave Stacy the fattest Ice-Cream Float ever last night!
Bailey:- My man!

by DickSmasherMcIronCock March 3, 2018