The best fucking movie in the universe... after Thor Ragnarok of course.
„Have you seen Infinity War?“
„Yeah, *spoilers entire movie*“
*beats spoiling guy to death*
The best damn movie in the universe! After Thor Ragnarok of course.
„Omg i‘m so excited to see Infinity War!“
„*spoils entire movie*“
*gets beaten to death*
Infinity is endless. Not only meaning you won't make it to the end, but also that it's the amount of balls that can fit in ya jaws. And it's the only number that doesn't even exist.
Person 1: How many things do you have to do?
Person 2: Infinity.
Person 1: Oh.
Person 2: Infinity, i have to do an endless amount of things.
Person 1: Human brains already do infinite things by breathing, even when you dream.
Person 2: Ok so?
person:hey do you know what infinity means
Other person:a infinite paradox
The only incomprehensible thing made by humans. It's not a number, it's a concept. Also what 6 year olds do to flex their knowledge and the worst thing you could say to a googologist.
First Example:
6yo one: Hey I know a really big number
6yo two: What?
6yo one: a trillion!
6yo two: I know a bigger number!
6yo one: What number?
6yo two: Infinity! It's bigger than every number.
6yo one: but what about Infinity plus one?
6yo two: Still Infinity!
6yo one: wtf you talkin
Second Example:
Idiot: hey aarex!
Aarex Tiaokhiao: what?
Idiot: I know a number that is bigger than every number you "invented"
Aarex Tiaokhiao: don't tell me it's...
Idiot: Infinity!
Aarex Tiaokhiao: (slaps his forehead as hard as possible)