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A violent tryhard who has a BIG thing for the female specimen of Carolina



by TheChamqion June 10, 2019

1πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


He is a pedo he love kids.
A picture of him is attached please run if you see him

Who is that over there
Oh no it’s Isaac hide your kids

by IDislikeGingers January 22, 2020

1πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Queer-Bait soon to go to El CamelToe

Yo that dude is such an Isaac

by YOOO BOI May 17, 2018

1πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


A man who's father tried to kill him, he is also a loser and a hpunk who tries too act cool.

Don't be an isaac, or your dad treated you like a isaac.

by ERIC THE PRANKSTER February 20, 2011

13πŸ‘ 135πŸ‘Ž


Isaac is one of the worst names you can be named Isaac is the point we’re your parents just gave up

Isaac is a queer

by Mrspicyweiner September 21, 2019

1πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


A kid usually with curly hair that tries to skate because he's not good at anything else, one whom wears Off-White, Supreme, Bape, and FOG to distract from his unusually small chode. An Isaac is known for getting off to henti. Be careful making anime references around an Isaac because he might try to molest you with his throbing chode. Isaac's are also known for fucking baby hamsters because their dicks are too small for dogs. And chokes his chicken to my little pony.

Random kid: In the anime Samurai Champloo, There's the samurai-heavy opening credits of the first season, as well as the episode "The Red Ball," which draws clear inspiration from the Samurai Champloo episode in which the gang learns how to play baseball.


Random Kid: What?!

Isaac: MY CHODE IS THROBING!!!!!!!!!

Random Kid: Shit, I'm out.

Isaac: GET THE FUCK BACK!!!!!! LEMME SHUV My ChODe iN yOUr FuCkkKiNNg EarLobE!!!!!!!!!

by VaginaDemolition69420 November 26, 2018

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Isaac is usually a gay person

Person 1 : u seen Isaac
Person 2 : I swear he is gay

by Jeion January 14, 2019

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