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jessie paige

A hot bitch that all the boys want. She is beautiful, sexy, and so many more good qualities. She has huge boobs and a hot vagina. Boys always want to get with her

guy 1: damn that chick has to be a jessie pagie

Guy 2: look at those tits

Guy 3: shes sexy as fuck

Guy 4: thats my girl, jessie paige

Guys 1,2,3: fuck your lucky

by jessgian25 October 13, 2014

Jessie Roe

Amazing funny guy who can't get anough weed
he can be a manwhore at times

but all the ladys love him

My friend is sooo a jessie roe

by melllons December 7, 2011

Jessi Lutz

Super Awesomely Cool; Can sometimes be sexy; hilarious

Random guy- Oh damnn! Whos that?

Her boyfriend- Thats my hot ass girlfriend, Jessi Lutz

by Whatoutttt February 3, 2010

Jessie Guerrero

dog eater

jessie guerrero

by jfkdkc December 12, 2022

Jessie Carlos

a dumb kid who likes guys but this short girl likes him and wants to get in his pants he wants have relations with mr.charles

jessie carlos has a fat cock

by jnrvfwrr May 16, 2019


Always best at comforting, trys her hardest to find a solution for a problem that’s not even hers, doesn’t understand how pretty she is to the point sometimes I wish she could see herself the way I see her, overthinks before she speaks because she knows words stick to people for the longest time, always trying not to hurt people she’s close to (at least me), so smart always getting straight As, grateful for things she have, appreciates little things, remembers small details and moments, overshares, overlove but last of all, Jessi is my soul-tied best friend who always tolerates all the bad things I’ve done and turn a blind eye because we’re together FOREVER

Person 1: Jessi is so pretty oh my god
*fist fights*

by hyueruu July 6, 2023


the cutest baby in the world

my jessi is better than yours

by coocoofordeeznuta May 27, 2022