Source Code

spider juan

Spider Juan is a Mexican Spiderman, he saves the ladies and takes them to his house.

"Spider Juan, Spider Juan, he saves the ladies...and then he he takes them to his house."

"Spider Juan, Spider Juan, he saves the ladies and then and then he takes them to his house."

by wildfred2004 January 29, 2015

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juan castro

To perform a juan castro, a male hadcuffs a woman to a bed, has angry sex with her, and then leaves her there. After a few days, while she has urinated and defacated on herself and is hungry, you have angry sex with her again.

1.Damn, that bitch looks like she's been juan castro'd

2. Shut up bitch, or I'll give you a Juan Castro!

by Eric_2.1 November 6, 2008

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Juan Pablo

Juan Pablo has the sweetest smile you'll ever see and the kindest heart you'll ever meet. He is passionate about life and simple things, such as the sound of birds in the morning, a really nice sunset or a cold breeze in his face while he is walking. Juan Pablo is intrigued about life and justice, he can spend hours pondering on hypothetical situations and enjoy his alone time. When you first meet a Juan Pablo he might appear a shy person, he usually is, however he is one of a kind, a very sensitive soul with A LOT to say; even though he rarely shares what's on his mind, when he does, is because either he is drunk or he appreciates and trust you. A very caring and loving person. He will always try to demonstrate how much he loves who he thinks is the one. Juan Pablo doesn’t know how to mange frustration and can do pretty mean jokes sometimes, but don’t take it too personal, he doesn’t really mean them. If you have a Juan Pablo in your life, go and tell him how much he means to you, he probably doesn’t shows it, but this matters to him.

Girl1: I think i've met the sweetest guy alive
Guy2: I think you finally met Juan Pablo.

by thegurlwhohopestobetheone November 23, 2021

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Juan Mode

"Juan Mode" is derived from the difficulty setting "Kid Mode" from the Nintendo Gamecube game "Viewtiful Joe." Kid Mode, and subsequently Juan Mode, imply a lackluster difficulty for gaming and life in general.

Juan Mode is used to describe activities such as blowing off people, places, things, events, for the selfish, instant gratification of ones self. Examples of this include calling out of work to quest, arranging schedule to quest and/or game, "working" from home while logged into World of Warcraft and questing all day, sleeping in late when working from home, not showering, not brushing teeth - just walking from said bed to downstairs, prepping laptop, and logging in.

Example 1:
Juan: Well, we got two inches of snow, (in 38 degree North Carolina Weather) so we get to work from home today.

Matt: Wow, turning Juan Mode on, eh? You logged in yet?

Example 2
Juan: Well, I don't even care what you guys say; now activating Juan Mode and LOGGING IN.

by Sam Lawrence February 2, 2007

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1: 4th King in Tang dynasty

2: Male Genitalia; similar to dick, cock and tally whacker

1: Under Tang Juan Zong's rule, the Arab world leaned the secret of paper making.

2: Guuurl... Dribble on my Tang-Juan!

by The Luminous Force January 6, 2005

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juans a bitch

It's simple juan is a bitch

Hey Juans a bitch

by 2337940727 August 17, 2017

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air juan

they make you run faster and jump higher, but you will still suck at basketball.

WHAT ARE THOSE?! Air Juans bitch.

by slim shady is my bitch July 29, 2015

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