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Karen is the most overused name on the planet.

It’s typically used by middle aged people to basically call out the very things they do themselves.

Since there’s no male name used as much as Karen it’s basically used to shut woman up just by saying “OK Karen” It’s also used by people who have nothing interesting to say to defend a point so they call someone Karen.

Like all things it’s ran it’s course but the boomers just can’t help calling other boomers Karen too feel cool.

I believe woman have the right to choose.

Ok Karen

by Restser February 11, 2023

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A person full of undiscovered disappointment in perpetual search of your manager, or her lawyer.

This Karen is approaching with haste, to either initiate a lawsuit for us doing our jobs, or to request our manager.

by MatteoBeyond June 11, 2020

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an overly entitled and obnoxious bitch.
ready to lie at any given moment. :/
for some reason most of the time knows lots of laws with special outdated ones, too ;
Racist :(
The male versions are Kyle, male-Karen, Ken, and Steve (with an exception of Jack and Jeff)!

My mother is being a Karen!
Okay, Karen *sarcastic tone of voice*

by kashiute February 25, 2021


Karen is easily one of the best person on the planet. Gentle, generous, welcoming and a lot of others good things even tho sometimes she's kinda wack ngl. A bit of a Twilight and Harry Potter fan. Possesses bad traits to compensate : Annoying, kinda capable of making a fuss about anything, sort of a teaser(be prepared) and cat lover. A being full of contrast, but possesses such a charm that most of the time that you wouldn't mind her flaws too much. Quite of a hard worker and skilled in many areas such as singing, piano and ukulele but not dancing. Pretty bad at pretending and can easily be spotted when she tries to hide her emotions. Lovely and adorable, definetely a woman of choice who deserves way more than a guacamole.

I love you Karen

by Mitt1800 November 22, 2021

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Karen is a word to describe a soccer mom. And if course you can't forget their catchphrase "Can I get the manager? "
Yes... I'm sorry.. There is people like that. But it's okey! We can make great memes of them!

*Watches viral video*

- Wow that mother is such a Karen"

by SheepyTube2007 June 22, 2020

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annoying and close minded middle aged woman

that woman is such a karen!”

by lifesupp0rt July 9, 2021

To Karen

Imagine you wake up in the morning, and you feel a sudden urge to suddenly be a dick. You decide to be a total boomer and try and ruin as many lives as humanly possible. The verb to define being a masochist at being a jerk. You enjoy others pain. You divorce Dave, take the kids, treat them as your slaves and have a weird Karen Haircut. You are the ultimate devil and evil goat god

Dave: My wife divorced me and took the kids!
Me: She was Karening! What a Karen! You should also learn how to Karen

by WeirdoIng April 16, 2020