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The best flipping girl in patuxent high.

That girl Ashley is so lucky, she has a Kayla

by montysnasty September 10, 2008

77πŸ‘ 256πŸ‘Ž


A generally happy person but can be VERY moody. If you're not their friend.. chances are they dont like you. They know what they want and will do whatever it takes to get it .. normally they do.
They tend to be very pretty (blonde usually) and sometimes a little ditzy because of the attention they already get.
most guys like them.
sometimes they can be whores and back-stabbers. but they can be pretty funny and entergetic.. some are very atheltic which can cause the competition between others.

"wow what a whore.. but she can be nice sometimes"
"must be a kayla"
"damn my man is flirting with her!"
"probably a kayla"
"shes crazy.. "
"that would be a kayla"

by thebigturtle400 November 15, 2011

28πŸ‘ 90πŸ‘Ž


Kayla is the most unique girl you'll ever meet. She's extremely insecure about her body and personality, even though it's likely all in her head. For example, she'll look in the mirror calling herself ugly even though she's got a fine ass body.
Kayla's will change your whole life. She's incredibly funny despite never crediting herself as it, and also very clever. She can joke in a conversation and it feels like it's only you two because she brings up an inside joke.
Kayla's are also very attractive. Not the "hot" kind of attractive, even though they can be if they want, but the pretty kind.

Kayla has the most calming voice and can instantly make you feel at home. Not to mention her gorgeous eyes, which are easy to eyefuck.
There's no other girl who you'll be more comfortable with. She might even remind you of yourself!

But don't you ever make her angry or upset because losing this girl is losing the entire world.
She loves movies and TV shows and gets heavily invested in them by using Reddit. And she likes memes.

Guy 1: ew who's that quiet bitch
Guy 2: that's Kayla alone lol
Guy 3: she's not a quiet bitch she's just thinking inside her cute little head

by Ben Shapiro's Cock November 21, 2018

3πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


A girl who toots a lot and gets pink eye from her own cloud of toot.

That’s definitely kayla

by Rpleezy March 21, 2018

3πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Kayla is a nasty bitch, minipulating and controlling,she think she’s the queen but in reality nobody likes her, Kayla will often use blackmail to get her own way, and very often brake up with her boyfriend, Kayla likes the sporty boys sometimes she prefers some with a bit of a belly, Kayla doesn’t have any curves so she stuffs her clothes, she’s a controlling slut, Kayla can also be nice but that’s on occasion, she likes to stir the pot between other peoples relationships, Kayla also can’t keep her mouth shut, don’t be like Kayla x

I say a β€˜kayla’ today

by Oompah loompah June 9, 2018

4πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


kayla is a bad ass good girl that alot of guys want even though she plays hard to get she is skanky just like her best friend bella And she is an amazing friend and no one can be like her including that girl that schrunches her noes and eyes when she smiles anyway kayla is hot chick that loves Bella and that will be bffs for life

yo, bro why would you brake up with kayla shes got it alll, dumbass!!!!!!

by Gabriela <3 September 13, 2011

26πŸ‘ 90πŸ‘Ž


A female who is deceitful, conniving, a liar and untrustworthy. One who continues to hide themselves and lie to others to make theirself look good. One who believes they are the most beautiful.

The word "Kayla" originally came from a Greek mythology female deity who would prey on innocent men in the way of a dinner whore. AKA: lots of one night stands.

She is being a Kayla.

by hmmmm. December 16, 2014

18πŸ‘ 60πŸ‘Ž