A group of absolute mad lads and roadmen who constantly want to beat the shit out of everything. They tend to act like they own the bus and love to talk about shagging. They are not the type of people you would want to mess with.
Person 1: Wow, those scary people look like they own the bus!
Person 2: Yeah, they're Lads on a bus.
When referring to someone being awesome and overall a really good guy!
WOW. He donated to charity, he's a jazzy lad
Rauhzu says it to fear because he's a Martin
Aye u not assed lad, run my officials in dh bro I'll 5-0 u
Bat-Lad is a fatter version of batman who is Australian and pour also lacks the skills of combat and is not a good detective
He is being a Bat-Lad
A lad of honor is the male equivalent of to maid of honor.
Synonyms are for example groomsman, groomslad and usher