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slingblade look

The look you give when you want to kill someone for being an irritable, stupid, failure. A murderous and contemptuous look.

"Dad gave me the slingblade look after I showed him my report card filled with F's"

sling blade
sling blade look
evil eye

by Kikig84 March 11, 2014

mystery look

An outfit consisting of a long sweatshirt and short shorts that leaves the onlooker unsure if the subject is wearing pants. A favorite of young, basic white girls.

Me: - caught looking at a sorority girl -
Wife: My God, is she even wearing pants?
Me: She’s rocking the mystery look. Who knows?

by mikejackson3 November 10, 2019

the Tony look

The look of eternal youth. Someone or something remaining young and with the same look in eternity.

- He's got the Tony look!
- You sure?
- Yeah mos def. That man has looked the same since last millenium.
- Oh, cool.

by thekillers2 January 11, 2010

shoulder looking

to spot a smokin' chick and position yourself in a spot where she can not see you stare at her, usually a person would pretend to talk to someone to do this.

(Dude spots girl and moves too look like hes staring at friend)

friend: Dude, why are you staring like that?

you: im shoulder looking at the hot chick at your six.

by mysterious Will July 16, 2010

The Stafford Look

when a young male scholar attends Stafford University, his first goal is that of procreation. This task requires much undertaking, and mimicking the peacock, the Stafford male scholar attempts to copulate by employing the "Stafford look". This involves donning tight jeans, and comical t-shirts displaying ironic wording and symbols, and shite hair; whilst pleading (via facebook, text, and email) and attempting Jedi Mind Tricks (via facebook, text and email). Due to an inadequate ratio of females to males, the young male Stafford scholar faces an impossible task, and will must likely copulate with his own hand whilst thinking about his mother. The Stafford look is therefore, genrally worn, by wankers. Usually found in their environment (their room)due to being allergic and scared of everything.

I tell you it was awkward, he was creeping at me with the Stafford look, I knew I had to get out of there.

by Neffinski December 26, 2013

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it looks fine

What you say about a game that looks bad but don't want to piss anyone off

Friend: Did you see the *insert new video game here* trailer it looks great!

You: It looks fine.

by Epic_Gamer45 June 18, 2019

poo look

the look of shame that you and a stranger share whilst in a toilet after taking a shit. an awkward poo tension of embarrassment and satisfaction.

awh mate, i just took a heavy shit, it was pretty rough going and the guy next to me gave me a right poo look.

by thom alexander September 27, 2007

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