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A girl named Mia is usually VERY shy. Once you get to know her, though, she will be loud, crazy, and funny. Mias are huge scaredy-cats; usually afraid of heights, sharks, suffocation, "dark" places, etc. Mias are usually known to be dorky/nerdy and usually are interested and believe in the paranormal (ghosts, etc). Mias keep to themselves, consider themselves unpopular and nerdy, and tend to hate tons of people. Mias are usually Italian or Irish and have really dark hair and eyes. They are typically very girly; interested in fashion, hair, nails, makeup, etc. but have a boyish side (science) as well. They HATE sports and usually are complete computer addicts. Mias are good friends, but sometimes have a really hard time telling the truth and expressing themselves. They aren't afraid to say what they think.

My friend Mia just IMed me on AIM and said she's going to the mall.

by Maya Muffin February 14, 2010

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Mia is a hilarious, short but loving woman who is grateful and beautiful. She tends to fly off the handle when a friend is being picked on and stands for her rights when someone is doing so to her. Not very book smart but street smart. Virtuoso and music loving.

did you see that girl sticking up for her friend? must be a mia!

by maryjane.ecstasy June 5, 2016

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Mia; an untrustworthy person who would lie to you if you ever get in a relationship. A diva like girl who can’t get over her ex and would give up a great guy for someone who would cheat on her. Thinks the world revolves around her and just loves to slut around.

Seth; Yo Mia just broke up with her boyfriend for me
Tahlia; I don’t like when you fuck with her and me
Seth; She won’t know, she talks to a bunch of other dudes anyway

by Mckeeley and Mia June 6, 2019

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Mia is usually a ginger or brown haired girl with either blue or green eyes. She is short, smart and kind. She is usually the shortest in her friends group. Beware though, she can have very bad self esteem issues and mild depression. She is a good friend but is a target of bullying. She loves nerdy things like movies and gaming, and she loves art and creativity. Be nice to Mia, she needs the support.

Person: β€œIs that Mia? She’s so short”
Person2: β€œyeah she’s the crazy one”

by tacocat283829 October 31, 2018

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Mia likes to texts peoples friends and ask them when theire going on their date together. She is also amazing at hanging off jetty's. Never the less she is one of the best friends you'll ever have and is always there for you. Love you heaps :).

mia is being defined
Texts friend who is a boy from friends phone;

Hey, when do you want to catch up for our date on the holiday?

by Mia's_best _friend September 12, 2019

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The most best friend you could ever have if u find a Mia then hold on to her for your WHOLE LIFE!!! She is the most magical person you will meet, and loves UNICORNS πŸ¦„πŸ¦„πŸ¦„. She is pretty and kind. But when it comes to sports, get out of her way she plays hard! πŸ₯πŸ€πŸ She is smart, and has the best voice of all. She is tall and has loooonnnngggg hair. Mia is a good friend and sticks up for you so you bullies out there WATCH OUT don’t bully Mia or her friends. She is a modest artist, who is drawing everywhere she goes. She is also one of the four members of the PBS SQUAD (purple bunny squad). But don’t forget her sidekick cutie SUKIE 🐢 the tea cup yorkie! She is the best dog owner out their. Mia likes slime, dogs, hanging with friends, drawing, singing, starbucks and fashion. So remember if you find a Mia take her before she is taken by someone else. You may find a Mia but you will never find one as good as mine Mia A!

Coach: β€œBulldogs on three ready one two three...”
Mia: *screaming* β€œBULLDOGS! LETS GO!!!”

by Mia A February 26, 2019

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Mia is a BEAUTIFUL gorl and a sexy one too. Your lucky if you get a Mia and use her to your advantage.

Guy: mmmmm that must be a Mia
Mia: Hey dady see ya later

by mmmmm dady December 6, 2019

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