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Insta Muslim

Muslims who learn Islam from quotes on Instagram and argue with people over something they shouldn't argue about.

She's an Insta Muslim, don't reply to her.

by cheekylads January 14, 2019

Muslim Area

The area which celebrates upon Pakistan's gain.

Area in India where liberals live is Muslim area.

by Libergandu April 12, 2022

cookie muslim

its a phrase and saying of complete randomness and dadaism, its the type of shit davis says when he exists

thats so cookie muslim

by ebajimo August 23, 2022

muslim bookmark

This is when either out of spite or lack of toilet paper,
they wipe their ass on a page of the KORAN.


Has anyone seen my Koran,it's time for prayer.
MARINE; We ran out of shitter wipe ,so I borrowed a few
pages.Don't have a cow NAHIBE, I put them back after I
gave them a muslim bookmark.

by driver_im8 August 8, 2009

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westernized muslim

the muslims that are cool. the ones that know how to read and write, the ones that went to school the ones that don't try to throw their religion in your face and hate the terrorists that people that kill as much as you do

I'm friends with plenty of muslims but they are all westernized

westernized muslims can still keep their culture

see moderate muslim

by im me hi April 7, 2010

15๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

Muslim Summer

Going to the beach with a shirt on and unable to get a tan.

I gotta get in shape! Don't want to have a Muslim summer.

by bobbert78 March 7, 2009

17๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž

crazy muslim

Crazy muslim is a radom word you use to call ya mates when they do somthing funy or stupid, or tell your mates how much of a crazy muslim somone is.

"that carl kid is a goes syco off sugar he's a crazy muslim"
jesse " your unreal" trent " your a crazy muslim"

by Anominus August 3, 2005

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