blue balls doesn't like asma :/
blue balls : asma dont read smut it fucks up with ur brain now u read brb as boob
Something that doesn't fucking exist. End of.
Person 1: "That girl I hooked up with left me with blue balls last night."
Person 2: "But they don't exist idiot."
A condition used by men to trick and bully girls into have sexual relations with them
Man: don’t stop or you’ll give me blue balls
Girl: I’m just uncomfortable with this
A common affliction among Smurfs.
The Smurf orgy, known as a "Smuckfest", comes but once a year and the average male Smurf may not even come that often, unless he's openminded to everything from bisexuality to smurfing inanimate objects. As long as the gender ratio remains skewed at one Smurfette per hundred Smurfs, the situation surrounding Smurf polyandry is unlikely to improve, leading to nothing but frustration.
A typical Smurf village may have over a hundred residents but only one Smurfette; the total number of female Smurfs to have ever existed is no more than three, and the number of crossdressing, transsexual or transgendered Smurfs may well be zero.
These hopelessly skewed numbers lead to a lot of sexual frustration and many male Smurfs with a severe case of blue balls.
Blue balls mean being sexual arouse or nothing being sexual active or not being able to cum. Sexual arouse by physical appearances by your parthner.
My girls walks around the house n cooks and cleans just in her underwear. She gives me blue balls
The extreme pain of being left without ejactuation after a blow job. Also it's being cut off and stopped just as your about to C U M.
Ladies. Just let your man cum. don't just stop right as he's about to. so either you let him cum to big booty midget porn or cum in you. don't just stop right as ejactulation is present. in short. BLUE BALLS ARE PRESENT!
The male version of "Period". As when girls say Period, it is quite cringe, so we men say Blue balls! This is just used as a male substition of the phrase Period, anyway please stop reading.
Jessica: I hate men
Julie: Yas girlll Period!
Archan: I hate watermelon people
Mikael: Yas boyyy Blue balls!