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Grundle Nuggets

Matted human feces found in the shaggy area between the cornhole and ball sack / love taco (better known as the taint). Though commonly confused with dingleberries, grundle nuggets are typically interwoven and much larger in size.

My dear lord, look at the Grundle Nuggets on her!
I really need to get these Grundle Nuggets taken care of.
I have a really bad infection caused by Grundle Nuggets build-up.
I don't know what smells worse, rat milk or my Grundle Nuggets.
This Quilted Northern isn't doing shit for my Grundle Nuggets

by The Doctor 2.0 September 11, 2012

Cunt Nugget

A person who is extremely cocky and stuck up; a person that acts as if they are way better than others

She's acting like a cunt nugget just because she got some new shoes yesterday

by lalaneihisapimp September 17, 2015

4👍 1👎

nugget dump

Similar to an After Grog Bog, a nugget dump occurs when a person orders and consumes 20 McNuggets, usually on a midnight maccas run, and then proceeds to shit out almost everything consumed in the last 24 hours the next morning.

Person 1: Hey, have you seen Callum recently?
Person 2: He's taking a nugget dump, poor guy ordered 20 McNuggets and nobody stopped him.

by Scythas March 1, 2010

Nugget fandom

The nugget fandom is mostly girls in the age of 9-15 they are really supported to every fandom some of them use the old nessa videos but they love her! They do amazing edits of nessa and Josh they are probably the nicest fandom cuz they never get to drama!❤

Friend : do you know what the nugget fandom is?

Me : yea there the nicest fandom ever!

by Love nessa and nuggets April 7, 2021

belch nugget

A single projectile spewed when one belches hard.

No more beer for you Maynard, you got a stinkin' Belch Nugget on me!!

by Big Polla February 14, 2018

nerd nugget

An adjective to describe someone who exhibits qualities of a nerd, but is completely unaware of them.

Omigah, did you see that guy on The Singing Bee? He totally thought he was pwning the stage! What a nerd nugget!

by W0rdN3rd March 16, 2010

17👍 2👎

Moist Nugget

The Mosin-Nagant (Russian: Винтовка Мосина, ISO 9: Vintovka Mosina) is a bolt-action, internal magazine fed, military rifle that was used by the armed forces of the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union and various Eastern bloc nations. Also known as the Three-Line Rifle (Трёхлинейная винтовка, ISO 9: Trëhlinejnaâ vintovka), it was the first to use the 7.62x54mmR cartridge. As a front-line rifle, the Mosin-Nagant served in various forms from 1891 until the 1960s in many Eastern European nations, when the sniper rifle variant was replaced by the SVD (Снайперская винтовка Драгунова, ISO 9: Snajperskaâ vintovka Dragunova). The Mosin-Nagant is still used in many conflicts due to its ruggedness and the vast number produced during World War II.

Dude, the Moist Nuggets at the gun store are on sale, 10 for 300 dollars!

by Lulzmacher July 13, 2008

455👍 90👎