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Denny Puff

Exhaling smoke from a cigarrette or blunt without inhaling it into the lungs,but simply keeping it in your mouth. This is used by people who do not know how to smoke and try to seem cool.

That gook was Denny Puffin all over the place.

by CrazyEuropeans January 7, 2005

14๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

puff cunt

1. An oversized or engorged female genetalia that is usually caused from excess weight gain and tight pants

2. An extremely large moose knuckle or camel toe

Did you see Kelly's puff cunt? It was so big that her pants were bursting at the seams!

by Iamsiam23xc September 12, 2007

14๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Corn Puff

The opposite of a poof. A masculine, straight (non-homosexual) man. Can be used when accidentally calling someone a poof within earshot of the person (see Example 2 below).

Example 1:

"Yo dawg, he ain't no poof, he's a corn puff."

Example 2:

Person 1 (to Person 2) "Move it poof"
Person 2 (to Person 1) "What did you call me?"
Person 1 (to Person 2) "A Corn Puff"
Person 2 (to Person 1) "Aw. Thanks for the compliment dawg."

by HungarianBoi August 23, 2011

12๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

powder puff

A term used to describe a sissy. Someone who talks a lot of stuff but never backs it up because they can't.

"Man, I'll punch you in the face."

"Do it then."


"Man, you're a fuckin powder puff."

by Chris April 17, 2005

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puff a heater

verb : to smoke a cigarette.

I like to puff a heater when I drink.

by Shmeggins January 14, 2007

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Jiggly puff

1. the freaky little pink thing with the swirly hair on Pokemon.

2. the light and fluffy layer of insulation that comes from over eating or sitting on your butt all day.

i.e. fat, pudge, excess weight

"Geez you lard ass, pull down your shirt, your jiggly puff is hangin out all over the place."

by haha...oh wait July 31, 2006

54๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž

Love Puff

A more pleasant synonym for QUEEF.

Vanessa shared a story about her night with Jerry and how her hoohaa kept letting out love puffs all night.

by benslittledrumer September 23, 2009

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