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Sand nigger

a sand nigger can be used to address anyone of middle eastern descent. they can usually be found in your local gas station or blowing up buildings. they drive shitty little vans that are reffered as to bindi vans which can carry a towns whole supply of nuclear explosives and/or other sand niggers

Catlin, you're a sand nigger, suck a dick.

by Moomoocho May 14, 2013

81๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž


a person of the indian race. example haramndeep.

see that guy over there, hes a sand-bandit

by zach lazcelle October 12, 2006

22๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

sand nigger

an Arabic person. or someone from the middle east.

a terrorist(sand nigger.

by holycow1 December 3, 2008

139๐Ÿ‘ 81๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sand Wog

Sand wogs are people that come from A-rab countries. They are basically all arabic people and muslims who would'nt be out of place in Al Q'ueda.
Sand wog derives from arabic people having tanned skin colour, they are the wogs of the deserts.

I joined the British Army so i could kick some sand wog arse in Iraq!

by NFFC4EVA November 26, 2003

30๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

sand king

Refers to the the scorpion in the popular game D.O.T.A.(Defense of the Ancients), which is a modification of Warcraft 3. The Sand King is known for his ability to do as he pleases. He commands everyone and everything in the game. In short, the Sand King does what he wants.

\"Nice, I just got chosen by the Sand King and I can win the game!\"

by nickv April 27, 2005

27๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sand Blaster

To lick your fingers, dip it in sand, and blasting it up her snatch. Also been known as clam digging.

Matt: "Joe, I heard you gave Lisa the sand blaster last night."
Joe: "I sure did! She said she liked it rough and dirty."

by T. sandman April 29, 2011

9๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

feet on sand

The opposite of getting high on drugs, or "lifted". Being sober.

Hey man did you hear that after an intervention Bob is feet on sand now?

by jamal619 February 20, 2010

9๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž