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It's supposed to be "Slipknot kicks ass", not "Slipknot IS kick ass", shit-stain. Now go home and wank while you worship the almighty slipknot, asshole.

by sMiLeY iS gAy July 3, 2003

12๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž


Slipknot- a fucking kick ass band.

Bob-I hate slipknot so let my find any way to tell any one, cause i love the cock.
Jim- Why yes you do Bob.

by Kelan March 30, 2004

12๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž


Slipknot is an heavy metal band from Des Moines, Iowa. With nine band members, Slipknot has toured all over the world and has 3 major albums. Slipknot is most known for their masks and jumpsuits that they wear onstage and in their music videos. Some of their major songs are Duality, Wait and Bleed, and Before I Forget. Slipknot loves all their fans and affectionately call them maggots. They even did a video shoot for Duality with over 400 fans from the midwest. One kid even came to Iowa all the way from England to be in the video. We were there for 13 hours in rain and 40 degree weather wearing t-shirts. Slipknot is loved by many many people.

Slipknot is the best heavy metal band in the whole world.

by Amy S November 14, 2005

10๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž


What you guys aren't seeing is that Slipknot's self-titled record has a HUGE Hardcore influence--they used to go see Hatebreed all the time and you can hear it in their constant use of the frets 0 1 4 3 on the sixth string. Listen to "Eyeless"--that's a Hardcore breakdown, I'm sorry. I don't even know if it was intentional, but it sure sounds like it, and some of that record is just downright violent.

I absolutely hate this band but I do feel like something of note was created with that CD and I'm actually looking to write a critical theory piece on it from a cultural standpoint.

Slipknot fucking sucks, but that first record was very very interesting and had they not been corporate darlings from the outset I feel like their art could have been dangerous. But instead it became fare for Ozzfest metalhead faggots.

by Jeamus April 5, 2008

7๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


A popular black/nu-metal band. They are death metal's equivalent to Industrial's Nine Inch Nails, which means that Slipknot is what happens when you tone down black metal and mainstream it.

"Well, for christmas, my friend got me a Slipknot CD instead of the Emporer CD I asked for."

"You've just learned never to tell your friends you listen to Black Metal."

by Isaac February 4, 2004

9๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž


I kind of like Slipknot, in fact i have 2 of their albums...But seeing dumbasses like you not even having the deacentcy to spell correctly to proove your point sickens me...Can't ANY of you spell/type?

"Most people I've met who listen to Slipknot are complete burn-outs/morons."

by Ross P. August 2, 2003

8๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž


Very loud, very fast band. Fastest drummer I've ever heard, and the rest of the band keeps up and in time. Not the most complicated or artisticly impressive music, but fuck it - it's metal... what do you want?

In the rare moments the vocalist sings, his voice is pretty decent. 90% of the time, he belches out words in a rapid-fire growl-scream that makes your throat hurt to listen to. Effective for the lyrics and crowd Slipknot plays to.

If one is to believe that Slipknot's lyrics represent the true feelings of the band, these guys wake up more pissed off and hateful than any remotely sane human should ever be in the worst situation imaginable. Therefore, it is safe to say they are a marketing creation geared toward angst-ridden 15-23 year old white males. On drugs. A lot of drugs. A lot of hard, powerful, brain-raping drugs. (The band - not necessarily the target market.)

Technically impressive, artistically passable, lyrically horrid to the point of amusement.

Fear anyone who belives Slipknot's lyrics were written just for him out of pages from his life. The average disaffected adolescent white boy is destructive enough - if he rallies around Slipknot lyrics, you've got another Timothy McVeigh just waiting to happen.

And guys... what's the deal with the masks?

by The Evil Steve August 19, 2005

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